
Her attachment to her native country and to her origins, the conflicts and the exiles induce her to think out an involved work. She builds relationships between different cultures, remains attentive to the social and political contexts, and also seeks to conciliate by the creative gesture things that are irreconcilable in the reality.
In France, she has studied piano, clarinet and singing. She has first begun studying philosophy and then has chosen to interpret his own compositions during concerts.

At the national music school of Bordeaux, she continued her studies in writing, composition and musical analysis and got the highest award (gold medal unanimously).
As she has been early associated with multidisciplinary projects, she has established connections between some works of visual artists and her own range of sounds. She has worked on concrete sounds in order to create new musical architectures thanks to tools she has tested at “SCRIME” (Studio of creation and research in computer science and electronic music) in Bordeaux and at “IRCAM” (Institute for research and coordination between acoustic and music) in Paris.

She’s been teacher of composition, formation and musical analysis for nine years for students and also for teachers both of national and regional schools of music.
Then, she has devoted herself to composing. During her recent residences, she has distilled a little utopia designing scores which combines non-professional musicians, professional musicians and performers of world music. In June 2005, SACEM (French organisation for composer authors and music publishers) awarded her the « Pierre and Germaine Labole » price for « Hautes Terres », a work for violin, mezzo -soprano, tenor, horn and oboe solos, harmony orchestra and for accordionists group.

She also answered to requests regarding the most singular appearance and the most virtuoso of her language. And then, her work for piano, « Alliance », was selected for « Dutilleux » contest in 2004.

In composition, her atonal writing style is completely out of every strict system analysis. Her own exploration of microtonal music and profusion of game modes with the instrument, and her choice of audio architectures and orchestral colours, highlight the expressiveness and a speech plenty of other art forms. Poetry and visual arts are prime sources of inspiration for her creation.

For the work « Le destin des petits riens », she has broadcasted a multichannel electroacoustic work thanks to an installation with projection of pictures by Francis Proudhom (French visual artist). This “Opera performance” is like a series of rituals, conundrums and symbolic actions in relation to this musical work.
During a reading – concert for a symposium on “Haiku” (Japanese poems) in France at the «Jean Moulin Lyon3» University, her two small works based in the form of haiku and «Sur la lune deux cils gris» for clarinet have been played, and during this pieces she has given her thoughts about the function of the outline, the confrontation of cultures and of poetic language as the cradle of musical architecture.

In a book « Le Haiku en France » she has contributed to write with others authors, after this symposium which is published in editions Kimé collection « Les cahiers de Marge » and also in “Rencontre entre artistes et mathématiciennes”, another book published by « L’Harmattan », a Compact Disc is inserted in: It’s an electro-acoustic work, « Dans les yeux des nomades », she has invited us to share her artistic and intellectual adventure.

Her musical works are directly ordered by the French government, by Radio France, by festivals, departments, soloists (like David Simpson, Richard Rimbert, Roberto Aussel) and instrumental groups (Musique Nouvelle from Bordeaux, Rhizome and “Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain”). It is created both in France and abroad, Radio France, the festival «Aujourd’hui musiques» in Perpignan, National Center for Musical Creation in Marseille, International Festival of Music and Electronics Creations from Bourges, Futura festival in Crest, Saint-Etienne’s Opera, Auditorium Saint-Germain in Paris, Permanent University of Nantes, Coria International guitar Festival in Spain, Fiuggi International Festival in Italy, the National Concert Hall in Dublin, « Cid-femmes » in Luxembourg, University of Montreal in Quebec, University of Alberta in Canada, Huntington University and Northwestern United States, Nydd Festival in Estonia …
Her works have been also broadcasted during radio programs devoted to her, « Alla Breve » on France Musique « À nouveau la musique » on France Culture.

Since 2007 she has been teacher of musical analysis and composition and responsible of the musical creation department at the regional music school of Saint Etienne, and she has also been teacher at Saint-Etienne’s University.

Translation : Céline Ducret.

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